by PH884101 19 August 2020
So many times, we just focus on physical health and miss the fact that health means a healthy mind, body, spirit. The way we live our lives daily and what we think, feel, and behave determine the future of our health. We learnt behaviour if we feel ill, sick then we go to the GP and get medication. But there can be much more behind an illness or disease. Finding the root cause of the illness we get just guessing from the doctor but who told us the truth. If you provide the body with the right physical and psychological conditions, it will be better equipped to heal itself. The feeling that cannot find its expression in tears causes another organ to weep. This is the most important point. It is a fundamental tenet of naturopathic medicine that the body is a very powerful self-regenerating organism. The human body possesses all the necessary systems for regeneration, rejuvenation, and rebuilding. It also has an extremely efficient immune system, which is capable of fending off the most damaging invaders. If this is the case, why is there such a thing as a disease? The very word disease means that the body is in a state of dis-ease. It is in this condition because it is not being provided with the optimal conditions that it must have to maintain itself in a healthy condition. Unless the body is provided with the right conditions, both mentally physically, and spiritually, it cannot and will not function at its optimal level. The triangle of Mind, Body and Spirit as represents the three inseparable components of our being and wellness. Your mind is affected by your body. Mind, Body, Spirit means that our well-being comes from not just physical health, but from mental health and spiritual health as well. None of these factors can be individually affected without there being an effect on the other two. In the same line of thought, you cannot treat one without due consideration of the effect upon the other two. Our body as an organism always seeks to return itself to a given position of balance between every aspect of its complex structure and behaviour, this behavioural tendency is known as homeostasis. So the good health is about a good balance between mind, body, and spirit; just as homeostasis within the organism is about a good balance. Here are ideas that help me with the Mind/Body/Spirit connection: 1.) Your emotions affect your health so be aware of your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Your body responds to the way you think, feel and act that is the mind/body/spirit connection. Poor emotional health can weaken your body's immune system making you more likely to get colds and flu and other infections during emotionally difficult times - especially at this time of year! Taking care of yourself physically helps you emotionally. Exercising to relieve tension, eating healthy food and getting enough sleep all help your physical and emotional health. However, I so believe in meditation to bring your emotions into balance by guided thought which ultimately calms your mind and body and nourishes your spirit. 2.) Food affects both our bodies and minds, we are what we eat. The food we eat affects our brains therefore our minds. Eat nutritious primal foods daily, they have a high vibrational count which is good for the spirit too. Overeating is a symptom of not properly quenching our needs - when you eat simply but well you are satiated and you can throw away the diet books! Also, hunger can be just a sign of de-hydration so drink water and see how much energy flows into your body the cells in your body thrive on water for cleansing and energy. 3.) Be gentle for that shows great strength. I truly believe humanity is going through a massive shift at the moment into a whole new energy and level of consciousness. We are coming into a much more feminine energy era where that hard nosed male, old fashioned, city aggressiveness will not work,there is a better, gentler way to connect with people in business and personal life. 4.) Walk your talk with honesty and integrity people will feel when you are not, by your non-aligned body language. We cannot teach what we don't feel but when you connect with people on a heart level by making them feel a little better that's where the magic happens! 5.) Everything is connected. We are one holistic system and we need to understand the ecology of our bodies because a healthy mind affects our body and a healthy body affects our mind! Our mental world is where we live, the place we cannot leave, where all our experiences exist. The subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind so its worth getting to know how it works and understanding that past experiences stored in the subconscious can still be affecting our minds today! If you change your beliefs and attitudes you can change your life. The most powerful medicine you can have in the world is between your ears!
by PH884101 5 July 2020
It is believed that overweight and obese people were compulsive eaters, anxious, depressed, under stress, or trying to compensate for insufficiency in their lives. Almost everyone seems to be getting heavier and obesity has become a national issue but dismissing the idea that weight gain is a personal emotional problem. From my experience, I find it nearly impossible to try and address one without the other. Obesity can negatively affect mental health, and the frequent association has a large impact on the length and quality of life. People with enduring mental health problems are two to three times more likely to develop obesity and related disorders such as diabetes and heart disease. Some research suggests that depressed persons are more likely to develop the metabolic syndrome that often accompanies excess weight especially when this weight is concentrated around the waist. People may console themselves with "comfort food" which is usually high in fat, sugar, and calories because they are anxious, lonely, angry, or suffering from low self-esteem. There is a characteristic type of depression with symptoms that include lethargy and overeating. Like most mind-body interactions, obesity can lead to ill health which is linked to depression and anxiety. People with obesity can develop negative self-image and produce negative thinking about themselves and the world around them. Additionally, overweight people are also more likely to lose the psychological benefits of exercise. If they feel rejected, unattractive, or suffer social discrimination, the emotional strain may cause further weight gain. The problem is worse if they fail to lose weight and are blamed (or blame themselves) for lack of self-control. The therapeutic approaches available for obesity. The pillars of this therapy are self-monitoring and stimulus control. Therapy help repel self-defeating thoughts and reject unrealistic goals.
by PH884101 30 June 2020
For those of us who have experienced weight struggles or even eating disorders and have come from abusive backgrounds there is a connection and if we can learn how to deal with those things and we literally can fix the problem. The weight issue is an issue that can be connected directly back to the abuse leaves you with a lot more than bad memories in fact emotional abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse, and even sexual abuse can result in obesity in adults this is a proven fact a scientific fact this researchers say is a common issue in fact in some studies researchers have actually said that. If you ever want to get the weight off and keep it off you must heal yourself emotionally first when we are talking about sexual abuse the obesity factor can be more frequent and the reasons for that might be obvious if they feel like they are unattractive to people around them they are less likely to be attacked. That being said there are a lot of different reasons that your childhood abuse or any abuse in your life might have led you to gain weight and become the one during abuse you have no sense of control and so you must find something to control in your life. Sometimes that something becomes what you eat now this can also lead to anorexia or other types of eating disorders being in control of what you are eating is a big reason that a lot of survivors find themselves struggling with their weight. One way or the other an interesting thing is that people who have been in relationships with abusers and then come out of those relationships very often you will see someone end of regular non abusive relationship and get a revenge body but you don't always see that with a toxic relationship because what you end up with then is a fear. If you are too attractive you might end up in another relationship and you are not ready for that so subconsciously you don't allow yourself to lose away to lot of people when they find themselves in a romantic relationship they feel triggered and this becomes an ongoing issues. So, it's easier for some people to just not do that and they feel like if they don't look attractive then people won't want them and they won't be tempted to fall into one of those relationships. Another reason is that childhood abuse and long term relationship abuse can lead you to depression which of course is linked to our obesity problem and of course when you're going through a relationship like this you might find yourself with kind of disordered eating habits whether it is to not eat or to overeat to binge eat this is an ongoing issue for many survivors. It is important to note that not everyone who is a survivor of abuse is also obese because again there can be eating disorders and then there are some people who are not affected physically in the same way. Who aren't affected through their food intake then it is other issues for some people but there is a marked connection. That is the most important thing to know if you are struggling with your weight start healing your narcissistic abuse, healing your toxic trauma, the past the abuse they have experienced all of that can lead you to a healthier body and mind. Other signs that the abuse might still be affecting you later are sleeping problems interrupted sleep patterns things like that troubled relationships excessive stress triggers many things could be related to the other things. We have to be aware of as survivors is that he or she abused the child the things that we experienced as children and or abused adults kind of stick around the trauma itself doesn't really leave us when it is over. That is why we deal with things like CPTSD so what is interesting is that studies show that people who struggle the most with weight reduction tend to be surrounded by people who are not supportive of their efforts. Of course that could clearly relate to a toxic family or a toxic partner so how do you kind of undo that connection so that you can get healthy again well heal the broken parts on the inside first so you might need therapy if you want to start to slowly build healthier lifestyle choices into your day but also to take care of yourself from the inside out to work on those things that are holding you back. The best ways to improve your mood increase your endorphins and just feel better in general so when it comes to raising your endorphins so take a nice long hot bath it will not hurt you.
by PH884101 26 May 2020
There are many terms which are used in connection with the term low self-esteem. A poor self-image basically means that the picture in a person's mind of how they view their physical attributes or their body self-image and their success in mastering their environment, e.g. success, abilities, intelligence and their overall self-worth can be drastically distorted by the image they hold of themselves. Self-image is often described as a personal mirror which drastically alters in size and shape into non-truthful proportions which in no way resemble how a person actually appears. This self-perception of how their view themselves, their own perception of how others see them, and the thoughts and beliefs they have about themselves, their environment, and they future are affected in three main areas and these are: Self-respect Self-worth Self-acceptance Therefore, the greater the distance between the ideal self and the real self the lower the self-esteem and the smaller the gap is between the two, then the higher their self-esteem quotient. When they hold negative and dis-empowering views and beliefs about themselves, this keep them from achieving the goals they set by being critical, punishing, and constantly negatively evaluating their abilities and this will eventually lead to poor self-esteem. Low self-esteem usually starts in childhood. Our teachers, friends, siblings, parents, and even the media send us positive and negative messages about ourselves. For some reason, the message that you are not good enough is the one that stays with you. Perhaps we found it difficult to live up to other people's expectations of us, or to our own expectations. Stress and difficult life events, such as serious illness or a bereavement, can have a negative effect on self-esteem. If we have low self-esteem or confidence then we may hide ourselves away from social situations, stop trying new things also avoid things we find challenging. In the short term, avoiding challenging and difficult situations might make us feel safe. Low self- esteem is affecting every part of our lives so it is a good time to change that all.
by PH884101 11 May 2020
The belief of the client is created from the time when they born. This starts with shouting or smiling at the client when he/she was new-born. All the action or influence from the client who is he/she. The client is created a self-image based on the behaviour of people. That is an image that the client is encouraged which can help or prevent the entire growth of the client full potential, it does not stay unchanged but changes with every new situation or events. The client is checked by the expert that called parents, teacher, relatives, and elders who saw the client growing up and accepted, valued their viewpoint as the truth. So, in adulthood, the client can evaluate if the experts were right about the abilities. The adult will be working from the limited self-image and that let them become that person as opposed to the idea and finally, it becomes the standard, usual and the comfort zone where the client feels safe, secures also protected. May sound well and positive the comfort zone but it can be a negative place to remain and it can be limited prison as well. As the client decides to change them immediately the client has the freedom to choose and could enjoy empowering, powerful beliefs and attitude. It becomes engrained by supported repetition so it will eventually become the subconscious picture of the client self-belief. So, what the client thinks who they are and who they believe that decide how the client thinks about life also what they can and capable to achieve. The comfort zone when the client feels comfortable and this can be negative as poverty, fear, pain, domestic abuse, danger. Individuals will stay in this locked position because of the self-image and the belief system help them. Unfortunately, these individuals absolutely believe that is what they are worthy or absolutely deserve and safe in that they know and stay locked in this comfort zone. Self-image is formed by the individual belief system (what an individual believes that is true about them). An individual builds and feeds these beliefs and feel comfortable with them.
by PH884101 7 February 2020
Therapist Stories: Mariann shares how “Every day is an opportunity to create a NEW LIFE” In this honest interview about creating a “extraordinary life” Mariann Sebestyen, who is originally from Hungary and and now lives in London, UK said: “I have worked years for companies, never got recognised or promoted I felt so disappointed, but I knew what is inside of me. I could not feel the freedom that my heart wanted until now… I thought when I made my career choice I knew what I wanted to do, but that did not work out as I thought. I have studied Hairdressing, Catering, Retail and International Hotel Management, but something was missing! I had never felt fulfilled in my life... My heart's desire was much stronger. When I became an RTT Therapist, I achieved my freedom and I am my own boss. I literally just launched my own Therapy business and I have never felt happier than now. I know this is just the start of an extraordinary life. Every NEW DAY is an opportunity to create a NEW LIFE.” How has Rapid Transformational Therapy™ (RTT™) changed your life and why? The best gift I ever got from RTT is myself and my body. I eat healthier, salads, seeds, protein and I have already lost weight. Most of my thinking and relationship with myself and with food have changed so much. I have control over my eating, and I feel enough and worthy of having a beautiful sexy body and taking care of it. RTT got to the root cause of my eating issue and found out I was replacing love with food, to try to fill up the emptiness that I felt inside of me. Please can you briefly summarise your life before RTT, what were your biggest challenges? How did this impact your life and what was it costing you? I was a broken woman who was just trying to keep herself alive, but did not really want to live. I did not feel worth it or my life. I had deep depression, lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem and struggled with my weight since my early childhood, which made it worse and had an impact on loving myself and my relationships. I could never accept the look of me and I never liked it. I did not have hope or love and I did not even believe in myself, based on how I was brought up and people’s affection. All parts of my life were broken because I was broken inside. It cost me time, pain, stress, and disturbed my peace. I was angry all the time and losing control, I hated myself and my life. To sum up my life since RTT, I no longer have depression and am now full of self-confidence and self-esteem. My weight problem is gone and I have lost 8 kilos already and that is just the beginning. I now feel like a real woman, the beautiful woman who was always hidden inside of me, who is making her life amazing and allowing herself to do what she loves. I could not have done this without RTT because that method has such a power in transformation and completely changed my life. I am now happy in my body and I find home and harmony inside of me. How did you discover RTT and why did you decide to do it? How is RTT different from other approaches you have tried? I visited the doctor who just told me to go on a diet, and I tried dieting, but no matter how hard I tried I could never lose weight and stop eating. I tried workouts, but I got tired saw no results. I knew there had to be more behind my issue. I started to think about my life and my childhood, which was not perfect at all. I spent so much of my time dealing with myself, even if I talked to friends or family - they never understood me, I felt alone. I tried to buy self-help books, check Facebook groups and last October I found Marisa Peer on Facebook and when she described what she does I knew that is for me. With RTT, I found the root cause and let it go from my past. I had never considered that the weight could be related to emotion or love. That was my calling and my second chance at life, for which I am so grateful, I can’t express in words. I always achieve what I want because I am not giving up on me or on my dreams. I have never known I could go that far in my life and be the happy person I am today. What was your experience of training in RTT? I chose the RTT Professional course and I was attending the 5 days live practical in London. It was the most amazing experience, thanks to the amazing team there and meeting the famous Marisa Peer. The RTT Trainers were so supportive and we just created a big family. I felt understood, supported and connected. The live demonstration and explanation of the tools and full sessions by Marisa was extremely helpful. I said on graduation day that I wished that I could do another week as I enjoyed the time so much. I did not want it to end. I had a really good experience with the training and also the online material. There is so much support for us and it is valuable. I have never regretted it, not for one moment, because I see what I got from the course. What did you most want to achieve from RTT? What I most wanted to achieve was to heal myself from the past and have my life and myself back. I wanted to get myself out of depression and make my life better, to put the smile back on my face and to reduce my weight. With RTT I feel there is no limit in my life. There are so many people who have similar situations to what I went through, I would like to give them a new life so they can become “The best version of themselves”using RTT and become a phenomenal therapist just like Marisa Peer. How has your life changed now as a result of RTT? How does this relate to what you most wanted? I am a more confident person and have self-esteem and a new belief that I deserve the best from life. I have found my life purpose as an RTT Therapist. RTT completely changed me in every aspect of my life. I am able to handle things that I could have never handled before. I enjoy positive thinking and I don’t let the negative criticism in. Since I started using RTT I have changed my life and lifestyle. I make success and focus on that. I have learnt not to let in any negative words in my life. I have my voice and control over my life, and I create my amazing life the way I want it now. RTT gave me all I was dreaming about. Before I felt like those things weren’t available to me, but now all of them are. I am deeply grateful for RTT and for Marisa Peer who showed me the way of living. What has been your biggest impact with RTT? What are you most proud of? Is there a client story that brings this to life? I am very proud of my first client who never knew anything about RTT or hypnosis. It was a Zoom session and we worked on his issue of anxiety when he spoke in public. I was nervous, but I knew I had the tools to do it. I went back to a couple of scenes and applied my detective skills and I found out the root cause of his issue, using RTT to reframe and transform. I did the follow up with him to make sure that he was okay. I did not know how well I had done until the moment came when he had to do a group presentation. I asked him how he felt and he said “relaxed and confident.” When it came to his turn to present, he nailed it! He said that to be out there in front of the crowd was just a dream for him, but actually that day it became his truth, his reality. He was so amazed about how well RTT works and I felt incredibly happy. I feel the feeling that he felt, because his success became my success as well. This was the greatest experience and I felt so proud of him and so happy for myself. I think I do understand what Marisa feels when she sees people’s life changing because of her. It is the most amazing feeling and sharing the success of my client and myself. I am so happy I made the decision to say YES to RTT and say YES to myself and the success. I love RTT so much.
by PH884101 20 January 2020
As we go through our life from childhood to adulthood we create certain beliefs and habits about ourselves and carry it all the way and live our lives in that way. But........ What if I say that you could have a new life? a much better one. The situation I am sure familiar to all of you being bullied, let down, did not look how you want to, no perfect weight or shape, no love, good life not available to you, neither money and health, no connection or relationship people, no good things at all, no loving parents environment, no praise, no trust in life and people, abusive relationship, no self-confidence, depression and no self-esteem completely nothing at all. There are so many people out there who still struggle with one of those and don't find the way out of unhappiness and we all think we have to accept that and no way out. What a lie is that??? Of course, there is the way out and the way is to say NO to those negative feeling, experiences and negative people in your life and change your thinking. Don't allow people to decide who you are or what is about yourself or even what you are capable to achieve. The lovely Marisa Peer taught me: make criticism, negativity unfamiliar and make praise and love familiar. The critical people have a problem with themselves and they project that to others. The thoughts have the power so what you think sometimes we don't even realise that people could be trapped following the same pattern over and over again but I have to tell you to have to take actions. All of those beliefs and negative words do affect you and to live a better life you have to change them. I went through so many negative experiences in life and I was so down for years and had an unhappy life but when I had my first session of Rapid Transformational Therapy my life and myself started to change and shift. As I mentioned above those I had it all depression, weight issue, no loving relationship, abusive people and so on ............ my life was just full of sadness and unhappiness until I stood up and change it. The RTT session was so powerful and I was just amazed this exists and I am so thankful that I did not invest my money in ordinary therapy with anti-depressants medicine I called them happy bills. Because you don't need a pill to be happy and I did not have to have it or even alcohol to be free. Your mind is the product of what you have permitted. Toxic thoughts make the mind a battlefield. Toxic thoughts keep us in a war between what is truly possible and what we perceive as possible. The subconscious mind is a powerful secondary system that runs everything in your life. Learning how to stimulate the communication between the conscious and the subconscious minds is a powerful tool on the way to success, life transformation and to an extraordinary life. I unlocked myself and potential with Rapid Transformational Therapy. You are responsible for your own happiness and your life. The mind is so intelligent and can be your own medicine for your issue you just have to make your own decision to become a victim of your life or the victor the creator and the boss and who takes full power back and control your own life. There is a time when need to heal our life and let it go move on into a NEW LIFE a much better life. Every day is the opportunity to create something meaningful, take a step and becoming a much happier person on earth. All of my life experiences made me become a Rapid Transformational Therapist and becoming an expert and helping people to transform their life. Believe it! You deserve a better life! I do care about you because I have been there! I won because I am a VICTOR!!!
by websitebuilder-hub 1 December 2019
In this running world we don't really take care our most important worth which is our health and well being. What are you buying in the shop? Have you ever felt you just need a quick snack and run to work or meeting? The real truth is we do not have enough time for ourselves we try to eat something cheap and quick and we end up hating ourselves in the mirror. What is mindful eating? Mindful eating is the practice of cultivating an open-minded awareness of how the food we choose to eat affects one's body, feelings, mind, and all that is around us. We have to understand how important is what we eat and how we think about food and eating habit. What do you check when you go to shopping? Price? Quality? Healthy? Is that product is free from preservatives ? Nowadays, the most popular illness is obesity which has psychological, physical and emotional effect on ourselves. Let me share my story with you: I had eating problems for years, I have tried diets and exercise a lot I lost weight but I gained back I was so disappointed I was filling myself with food and I was craving sweet things such as cake and biscuits so much I did not care, I did not feel good enough or even beautiful at all. I was depressed so much about how I looked like and also put me down the lots of criticism about it but the truth is none know what I was feeling and experiencing deep inside. Sometimes I had suicidal thought and felt worthless and not enough. I could not control my eating habits at all it was in my mind all the time. Honestly for years nothing was working. Around a year ago I found Marisa Peer online and watching her videos and do my research about Rapid Transformational Therapy and it can help me. I knew straight that is what I want to do become a therapist. I had a weight reduction session to find out the root cause of my issue. I had eating problems I was replacing love with food and I felt empty inside so I tried to fill it up but actually it made it worse because I gained weight and did not like to see myself over weighted. Going into hypnosis and take me back to the root of my issue the therapist straightaway found the important information about the belief and feelings behind the issue.That made me to understand the connection between the past belief, feelings, action and that time the current issue. As I understood I was able to let it go. Being suggestible means I can accept new positive belief about myself which made me feel good and transformed my life totally.Listening the personal recording for 21 days made me to believe in myself and see myself beautiful and feel a smart and gorgeous woman who is worthy and enough. Since I apply mindful eating, enjoy eating small portion because I love my body and myself I love shopping skinny clothes and being skinny I totally got from the session what I wanted. Now I live a fulfilled life with lots of happiness, love, joy, praising myself, taking care of my body and acknowledge my talent. I am enough, I am free and I am so happy.
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